In your profession, clients could file negligence claims for perceived errors. Even in the absence of errors, if a client makes poor decisions based on your company's advice, it could lead to blaming the company for income loss, resulting in significant legal expenses.
This insurance safeguards against legal fees due to alleged negligence, service errors, omissions, misrepresentation, breaches of good faith, fair dealing, or inaccurate advice, providing comprehensive protection for professional services.
Director and Officer Insurance shields corporate leadership from claims of misconduct, whether actively or passively involved in company actions. Crucial for organizations facing lawsuits due to financial mismanagement or alleged impact on another company's losses.
Individuals overseeing employee benefit plans can face personal liability for mismanagement or fund loss under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERSA) of 1974. Financial officers may be held accountable for costly benefit-related lawsuits.